

Do you have a story to share about how Lemongrass Spa has made a difference in your life? Let me share it here!

What the customers have to say:

Had to share. I had a headache last night and put some of my peppermint foot balm on my temples. It worked!! My headache eased off and I slept like a baby! ~ Karen C.

My husband who’s a diabetic has had reduced skin irritations and issues since beginning use of the private reserve bar soap in the shower and the Healing elements/Unscented body creme on his hand and arm…as well as the occasional foot soak with the herbal foot kit (his Neuropathy has been greatly reduced). ~ Greta F.

I love my Lemongrass Spa Herbal Foot Kit! It makes my feet feel tremondous! I was happily surprised with how little you need! It is definitely a value for the money. And it made my feet feel tingly…. I really LOVE it! ~ Tami M.

SO, I promised an update about my Diabetic husband’s FEET after using the foot soak, walnut scrub, and peppermint balm. His feet look AMAZING (I have to tie him down long enough to get a photo of those feet)!! He’s also commented on how his “pins & Needles” feelings don’t bother him much at all on the days he uses the foot fetish. The exam the doctor just did today on his feet (which requires him to touch points on the bottom of my husbands feet with the end of a pen while my husbands eyes are closed. My husband then has to tell him if he can feel it and where on his foot he feels the pen touch). The last 5 times, he’s “failed” the test because of decreased sensation and increased “pins & needle” feeling- he could only feel general pressure and could not ever pinpoint where on his foot the doctor touched. THIS TIME, he was actually able to feel (on the Left foot) from his toes to the midway point on his arch… and (on the right foot) from his toes to the ball of the foot…HUGE improvement.
To top it off, I had to go hunting for my Foot fetish kit a few nights ago…He’s been “stealing it” and going into his office with a foot tub full of hot water and soaking his feet. Caught him red handed, err, umm…footed the other night! Needless to say I WILL be ordering refills for my foot fetish…LOL! ~ Amanda M.

I want to let you know your Healing Elements Ointment has changed my life. I have extreme excema on the bottoms of my feet (previously treated only by steroids) and I am a diabetic. Most days I work 10-16 hours on cracked, split open, sore and bloody feet. It has been this way for over 10 years. I began using the Healing Elements ointment at your suggestion and it has been over 2 months since I have had even a split in my skin. My excema is nearly gone. My doctor called it a miracle. Thank you for giving me back my life with out the use of steroids. ~ Laurie K.

I got my stuff from Lemongrass today! I immediately jumped in the shower so I could use it, and I LOVE it! It makes my skin feel soft and it’s not greasy feeling!!! I already see blemishes beginning to become less red and reduce in size! I’m AMAZED! Thank you!! ~ Jackie S.

What Lemongrass Consultants had to say:

I took my son to the doctor when he came down with a pink bumpy rash all over his skin. I was told it was noth- ing to worry about; that along with 10% of kid’s colds, they get a rash along with a cold. The doctor told me which over the counter cream to buy and said the rash would get really itchy and worse over 7-10 days and then would disappear. I told him that I had an excellent bath crystal with rock salt, Vitamin E oil and Lavender essential oil in it and I would prefer to use that over the cream he recommended. He told me to give it a try. I used a generous helping of the Lavender Bath Crystals the first afternoon in the bath and the rash was about half gone. The second day I gave him another bath and the rash completely disappeared. My son has ex- tremely sensitive skin so I was thrilled he didn’t have to put up with a seven to ten day rash. I tell my customers that it is lavender that is SO healing and if they have any skin irritations, consider lavender! — Jill Breheny

I’ve seen the most amazing things with the Body Crème. I had a customer whose 8 year old son had chapped hands so bad that they were practi- cally bleeding in places. I let her try a sample of the Body Crème to see if it would help. I saw them less than 24 hours after she received the sample and his hands made a 100% difference in that time. You could not even tell that they had been chapped. Of course, she then needed to buy a jar, but it was also a great feeling to sup- ply a product that worked so well. Thanks for the great products! —Donna Lamble

He (my husband) has been balding in the front of his head for many years and I suggested he try our rosemary shampoo bar so he had been using it for about 6 months. One morning he came to me excited and showed me that he was getting new growth in the bald spot. He hasn’t used any other prod- uct and I believe that it’s the rosemary and nettle that stimu- lates the hair follicles and unclogs the pores for the new hair to grow. It has also made that rest of his hair more healthy. —Lynn Singleton